Various races and ethnicities have different hair aging patterns

Although aging is an inevitable biological process with numerous influencing factors that results in visible changes to the hair, there is a paucity of research on the characteristics of hair aging in different races. Now, a new study examines the differences in hair aging among different ethnic groups, with the authors hoping that their findings will help in developing culturally sensitive recommendations for preventing hair damage over one's lifetime.
Among the findings: hair-graying onset varies with race, with the average age for Caucasians being mid-30s, that for Asians being late 30s, and that for Africans being mid-40s. Caucasians and Asians typically experience damage to the distal hair shaft, while African-Americans see damage occurring closer to the hair root. Postmenopausal changes include decreased anagen (active or growing) hairs in the frontal scalp, lower growth rates and smaller hair diameters.
Hair aging is divided into intrinsic aging, which includes normal physiological changes over time, and extrinsic aging, which includes changes induced by environmental exposures and physical stress from everyday grooming.
Hair is extremely critical to one's physical and mental well-being because it serves as both a protective barrier and a cosmetic enhancement. For the proper management of mature patients, a thorough understanding of the specific characteristics of hair aging among different races and ethnicities is needed